3D_AIM_TRAIN_B By: Squirrelly The outer bombsite of de_train, site b, made into an aim map. Theres much more to come from me and the new line of team3D maps. These maps were originally made for teams to practice aim on league maps, They were loved by everyone who played them and i eventually gave them to team3D and they took off from there. Enjoy! ----------------------------------------- -= Team3D =- www.team3d.net #team3d on gamesurge My personal info: www.thesquirrelsite.com #squirrel - my personal channel on gamesurge #pubmasters - my clan channel on gamesurge/quakenet squirrelcsmapper@yahoo.com If you like my team3D maps check out my pubmasters maps too! ----------------------------------------- Special Thanks To: [3D]-Torbull "Craig Levine" [3D]-Rambo "Ron Kim" Missy "mzp" "the cal-i princess" And the rest of Team3D team and map testers. ----------------------------------------- [press fire to continue]