- 26th April 2006 (ProKreedz 1.0)
  1st release of ProKreedz
Name Default Value Possible Values Description
kz_checkpoints 1 0/1 Enables/Disables checkpoints
kz_godmode 1 0/1 Enables/Disables godmode
kz_scout 1 0/1 Set this to 1, if you want, that players will get a scout automatically
kz_help 0 0/1 Enables/Disables backup
kz_semiclip 1 -1/0/1 -1 = Forces semiclip to off / 0 = Players can change Semiclip in their menu / 1 = Forces semiclip to on
kz_bhop 0 0/1/2 0 = Disables Bhop / 1 = No Slowdown / 2 = Autojump (I took the Autojump feature from cs13 plugin)
kz_adminglow 0 0/1 Set this to 1, if you want, that admins glow green
kz_cheatdetect 0 0/1 Set this to 1, if you want, that cheats like noclip, hook, grab, gravity or teleport should get detected
kz_transparency 1 0/1 Set this to 1, if you want, that players should be transparent if they have semiclip enabled

- ProKreedz
  say /kreedz, say .kreedz, say /menu, say .menu
  - opens the menu
  cp, checkpoint, say /cp, say .cp, say /checkpoint, say .checkpoint
  - creates a checkpoint
  tp [1-5], gocheck [1-5], say /tp [1-5], say .tp [1-5], say /gocheck [1-5], say .gocheck [1-5]
  - goes to one of the last 5 checkpoints (look at Checkpoints for more informations)
  stuck, unstuck, say /stuck, say .stuck, say /unstuck, say .unstuck
  - goes to the 2nd last checkpoint
  say /help, say .help
  - you will glow red and a message is shown to tell the other people, that you need help
  say /reset, say .reset
  - resets the timer and checkpoints
  say /respawn, say .respawn, say /spawn, say .spawn, say /start, say .start
  - respawns a player
  say /top10, say .top10, say /top15, say .top15
  - shows the top10
  say /noclip, say .noclip (ADMIN_KICK, but all people can disable noclip)
  - enables/disables noclip
  kz_unhelp [name|#userid|steamid|@ALL] (ADMIN_KICK)
  - removes the glow from a player (If argument 1 isn't set, glow will removed from the player, you are aiming at)
  kz_showhelp (ADMIN_KICK)
  - draws beams to all the players who need help
  kz_laser [blue|yellow|green|red|orange] (ADMIN_KICK)
  - draws a beam from you to your hit point
  kz_noclip <name|#userid|steamid|@ALL> <on/off> (ADMIN_KICK)
  - gives/removes user noclip
  kz_teleport <name|#userid|steamid> <name|#userid|steamid>/<x> <y> <z> (ADMIN_KICK)
  - teleportes player to another player or to specified coordinates
  kz_gravity <name|#userid|steamid|@ALL> <gravity> (ADMIN_KICK)
  - sets users gravity
  say /amenu, say .amenu, say /adminmenu, say .adminmenu (ADMIN_KICK)
  - opens the admin menu
- ProKreedzHook
  +hook / -hook (ADMIN_KICK, or a player has ability to use hook)
  - test it yourself

  kz_hook <name|#userid|steamid|@ALL> <on/off> (ADMIN_KICK)
  - gives/removes ability to use hook
- ProKreedzGrab
  +grab / -grab (ADMIN_KICK)
  - grabs/releases a player
  - increases distance
  - decreases distance
  - throw player away
A major difference between my and other plugins is the checkpoint history.
But what does it mean?
Every time, you creat a checkpoint, your last 5 checkpoints are saved. You can go to your last cp, by typing '.gocheck'.
You can also go to your 4th last cp, by typing '.gocheck 4'.
I hope you unterstand it. :)
He always helps me :) Thanks a lot + Messagehelp addon for AMXX-Studio

He helped me to translate this plugin :o

For the bhop snippet (cs13)

For grab snippet (JediGrab)

For the nice idea "CheatDetect" (kz_multiplugin)

For hook

For helping me to fix the low gravity bug on kz_man_redrock

My clan :o

Great CS community
You can contact me on QuakeNet in this channels:
#cs-eXpert, #fangen-plugin or #xtreme-jumps

greets p4ddY